How to Prioritize Your Unpacking

How to Prioritize Your Unpacking

By the time it comes to unpacking at our new homes, many of us are exhausted from the whole moving process. This is why it often takes weeks or even months to fully unpack and so it’s important to make the job as easy and efficient as possible. In reality, although you presumably wouldn’t have brought all that stuff with you if you didn’t need it, you probably don’t need it all straight away.

The key is to work out what you can’t do without in the initial days after the move, pack those things separately and mark them so you know to unpack them first. This will allow you to get back to a sense of normality as quickly as possible, while allowing you plenty of time to finish the rest of the job at your leisure.

Open first box

An open first box, or set of boxes, should contain all the things you will need for the first night in your new home. This will normally include things like bedding, tooth brushes, phone chargers and other practical things, but might also include something to do, such as board game or book and perhaps even some cash for a takeaway to save fumbling around for change on the night.

Essential items boxes

A bit like an open first box, but for every room in your house. Rather than just packing each room up at random, having a box or two with the things you will need for the first week in your new home can make life easier. For example, rather than have to unpack every utensil, piece of crockery and item of cookware you own, why not pack a single box with the basics you need to see you through the first few days? Do this for every room and you won’t have to be constantly ripping boxes open and pulling everything out each time you want to do the most basic of tasks.

Create a refuge

Nobody likes living amongst a load of half unpacked boxes, so why not prioritise getting at least one room finished first to give yourself a safe, cosy space amongst the chaos? The living room is the obvious choice as it can give you somewhere to relax and feel at home straight away, helping your new house to quickly feel like home. If you have children, you may want to prioritize getting their bedrooms sorted to help them feel settled, especially as this is likely to encourage them to sleep better, giving you one less thing to worry about!

Make your move as easy and stress-free as possibly by using a professional, reliable firm of movers. Intransit are one of the most trusted removals companies in Bath and the surrounding area. We have been helping people move for over 18 years, so if you need a company who won’t let you down, please get in touch.

Call Intransit today on 01225 759200 or email us for a fast response.